Konservasi Indonesia is a national foundation established to support sustainable development in the country. We are the main partner of Conservation International in Indonesia.
We envision a healthy and prosperous Indonesia where biodiversity is valued and preserved. With offices and project sites across Indonesia, we promote a sustainable landscape-seascape approach and establish partnerships with multiple stakeholders across sectors and jurisdictions to deliver lasting impacts for people and nature in Indonesia.
Request for Proposals
Photographer Panel to Capture Konservasi Indonesia Area Program
Request for Proposals
National group of consultants or Organization for Sustainable Financing Mechanism and Improvement of BLUD Management in Whale Shark Tourism and MPA Management
Request for Proposals
Consultant for Learning book of Social Forestry
Request for Proposals
Communication Consultant for the Development of Communication Strategy and Knowledge Sharing & Management System for Integrated Management of the Batang Toru Forest Ecosystem
Request for Proposals
Business Development Consultant for Raja Ampat Mooring System
Request for Proposals
Consultant for Developing Sustainable Financing Mechanism for BTFE Protection and Restoration project
Request for Proposals
Konsultan Studi Koridor Ekosistem Batang Toru (EBT)
Request for Proposals
Consultant for the development of “Roadmap Protection and Management of Blue Carbon Ecosystems (Mangroves and Seagrasses) in Indonesia for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation”
Request for Proposals
Reef Positive Investment Consultant
Consultant (Group/Company)
Pelagic Fishery Survey and Assessment in Fishery Management Area 572
Consultant (Individual/Company)
Survey of Restoration Plan, Development of water resources and sanitation profile for Water Catchment Areas in the West Java Watershed
Consultant (Individual/Company)
Survey of Community Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice (KAP) towards the Potential and Utilization of Watersheds (Citarum, Cisadane, Cimandiri, and Ciliwung) in West Java Province