Konservasi Indonesia is a national foundation established to support sustainable development in the country. We are the main partner of Conservation International in Indonesia.

We envision a healthy and prosperous Indonesia where biodiversity is valued and preserved. With offices and project sites across Indonesia, we promote a sustainable landscape-seascape approach and establish partnerships with multiple stakeholders across sectors and jurisdictions to deliver lasting impacts for people and nature in Indonesia.

  • Request for Proposals

    Photographer Panel to Capture Konservasi Indonesia Area Program

  • Request for Proposals

    National group of consultants or Organization for Sustainable Financing Mechanism and Improvement of BLUD Management in Whale Shark Tourism and MPA Management

  • Request for Proposals

    Consultant for Learning book of Social Forestry

  • Request for Proposals

    Communication Consultant for the Development of Communication Strategy and Knowledge Sharing & Management System for Integrated Management of the Batang Toru Forest Ecosystem

  • Request for Proposals

    Business Development Consultant for Raja Ampat Mooring System

  • Request for Proposals

    Consultant for Developing Sustainable Financing Mechanism for BTFE Protection and Restoration project

  • Request for Proposals

    Konsultan Studi Koridor Ekosistem Batang Toru (EBT)

  • Request for Proposals

    Consultant for the development of “Roadmap Protection and Management of Blue Carbon Ecosystems (Mangroves and Seagrasses) in Indonesia for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation”

  • Request for Proposals

    Reef Positive Investment Consultant

  • Consultant (Group/Company)

    Pelagic Fishery Survey and Assessment in Fishery Management Area 572

  • Consultant (Individual/Company)

    Survey of Restoration Plan, Development of water resources and sanitation profile for Water Catchment Areas in the West Java Watershed

  • Consultant (Individual/Company)

    Survey of Community Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice (KAP) towards the Potential and Utilization of Watersheds (Citarum, Cisadane, Cimandiri, and Ciliwung) in West Java Province